I-V - 9:00 - 20:00, VI - 10:00 - 13:00, VII - closed


This procedure is specifically designed to treat painful neuromuscular and musculoskeletal conditions. Biostimulation can be used to relieve both acute and chronic pain, promote muscle relaxation and stimulation, release joint blockages, and support fracture healing. Biostimulation can be applied in both splint and cast cases, helping patients return to an active and healthy lifestyle more quickly.


Ši procedūra skirta skausmingoms nervų-raumenų ir sąnarių-skeleto ligoms gydyti. Biostimuliacija gali būti taikoma tiek ūminio tiek  lėtinio skausmo mažinimui, raumenų atpalaidavimui ir stimuliavimui, sąnarių blokadų atpalaidavimui ir lūžių gijimo palaikymui. Biostimuliacija gali būti taikoma tiek įtvaro, tiek gipso atvejais, kad pacientas galėtų greičiau grįžti į aktyvų ir sveiką gyvenimo būdą.

Client Testimonials

Finally, Vilnius has a good physiotherapist!

Dovīds [Dovydas]

I finally found someone who could truly help instead of just suggesting that the treatment would be long and difficult.


I have visited many specialists in this field, but it was only after seeing Sergii that I utterly understood what a high level of competence looks like. Thank you.

Rimgauds [Rimgaudas]

If you are experiencing spinal pain and need medical help, Sergii is the expert you need. I highly recommend it! Forget all unqualified practitioners.


We can help you

A. Tumėno str. 4, Vilnius(Business center "Vilniaus vartai", east entrance)
+370 684 94 777
I–V - 9:00 – 20:00VI - 10:00 – 13:00VII - closed